I'm trying to sign up, but the Plans & Pricing page is blank, what's the deal?
Try using another browser or make sure that you're up to date with the one you are using. Here is a list of the compatible browsers and OS that should make everything function properly for desktop, mobile and tablets.
So payments are through PayPal, what if I don't want to create a PayPal account?
No need to create a PayPal account if you choose a non-recurring plan. The first three plans are recurring and require a PayPal account; they will automatically renew via your PayPal subscriptions. The latter three are non-recurring and you can pay with a debit/credit card for a one time purchase. You'll need to repurchase any of these plans once they expire, in order to continue membership.
I want to cancel my subscription, how do I do that?
Here is an article on how to do this through PayPal. I can also cancel from my end, so if you are confused by PayPal, get in touch and I will take care of the cancellation for you.
Where do I find the members content?
Go to the "Members Area" tab in the main menu navigation bar atop each page. If you signed up for an Initiate plan, you can access the forum and "Initiate Members" section. If you have an Adept plan you can access everything on the menu.
Ok, now I'm in, but I can't find the Podcast in the Members Content, what the deal?
The full podcast is in it's own sub-menu, P2BP Full Podcast under the "Members Area" tab on the main website menu.
What are my options for viewing or listening to content?
Each series, at the minimum, has every episode or segment listed with an audio and/or video file (if applicable). This takes you to an individual video or file to stream. There are also playlist options for both, which have separate buttons that can be found just under the description and details box of each series. This will take you to a video playlist or audio folder.
You can speed up or down the audio for both video and audio players by .5x speed increments in both formats (this may only work on a desktop, as for smartphones and tablets, I am not sure). This helps get through content much quicker.
You keep talking about a "Resources" folder for a series, I can't find it, what's the deal?
It's located on the top-right of any series content page. A picture is below to help.

I clicked on the "Resources" folder for a series, but there's nothing there or the files are incomplete, what's the deal?
Usually the resources and references are the last thing I'm able to get to and update. If it's a non-weekly series, such as Barrel's Memoirs, then I create the resources at the very end of each series or segment. These resources usually include: 1) a PDF with all the necessary references, links and bibliography 2) all the slides form the series exported in a .TIFF file.
If these resources are currently incomplete, please be patient. In the meantime there are plenty of references from the slides in the videos themselves.
Bro, I wanna drop mad truth bombs in da forum, but I can't find it, where's it at?
The forum is in it's own sub-menu, Holy Roman Forum under the "Members Area" tab on the main website menu.
I typed a link in a post, but it's not "linked" at all, what's the deal?
This is a minor quirk in the forum depending on what browser is used. When you type a link, be sure to hit "enter/return" to engage the link.
How to I send someone a private message?
Once you are logged-in, at the bottom left of any page, you will see a grey/white circle with a chat bubble inside; click on that. A picture is below to help (the icon style has since changed a bit).

Aight, I'm chatting' up a storm with my new B.F.F., but all of a sudden it's getting real slow and my typing is lagged, what's the deal?
The best way to solve this is to refresh your page, but also click on a page that isn't very 'busy' with images, such as the About page. The chat should become much smoother now; 'rinse and repeat' if it happens again.
You got something totally wrong in your content bro, I can't just let it go. Where do I correct this?
Make a forum post in the "Corrections & Questions" thread. Here's the proper chain: Holy Roman Forum ---> Research Discussions ---> Corrections & Questions. Just let me know which video I said the dumb stuff in and at what time marker; we'll go from there. Or you can contact me.
I got a question or two for you about the research content, where should I ask them?
If you have specific questions about the research content you can post it in the same place as above, in the Corrections & Questions thread of the forum. I'll get back to you within the week, hopefully within a few days.
I need to get in touch about other stuff that's not addressed here, how do I do that?
The best way to contact me is either sending a private message through the chat or email me. You can do the latter through the website "Contact" form or just email direct to –– whatever you prefer.
Brah, I got some extra $$ and want to help out, is there a way to donate?
If you want to help out with a donation, you can use the donate button below, or send via PayPal to the email –– If you choose the latter, it would be much preferred if you could send the $$ as 'friend/family' so I can avoid fees.
Thank you very much for your contribution. Any donations go to help maintain the site costs, purchase books for research, etc. In other words, they do not go to my beer fund (I don't buy beer anymore, but you get the point).
Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequitiam et insídias diabólica estou præsídium. Ímperet ílio Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps militiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.