Membership Benefits
Details of Initiate & Adept plans explained.
$1 per month / $12 per year
1) All older Schism206 series content is organized on it’s own web page – with lovely color motifs – for much easier access than a single YouTube playlist. There is also a special introductory preface video for each series with additional comments/insights in retrospect.
2) All videos are available in Mp3 audio format (only available through the website), which you can also download. This is great if you would normally just ‘listen’ to videos on YouTube, which eats up data quickly if you are using a smartphone. All Mp3’s are formatted/labeled along with iTunes metadata for easy organization.
3) You will gain access to having each audio/video link individually listed and ordered – all clearly labeled and organized – and audio/video both have full playlists as well. There is also access to additional resources including the references PDF’s and slide exports when applicable.
4) You will gain easy access to all the older Podcast* episodes, along with Part 1 of the new Podcast episodes (but you do need an Adept membership to access Part II).
5) You will gain access to the Holy Roman Forum, where you can chat with other like-minded individuals.
6) You will also gain access to the Day of Rest series (formerly Adept Members content), which extensively goes through the New Testament, and Catholic teaching / commentary on it.
Initiate plan for all former Schism206 YouTube content.
*NOTE: ALL audio-only plan available @ Podbean @ $30 p/year.
$6 per month / $72 per year
1) You gain access to everything included in the Initiate plan.
2) You gain access to Part 2 of the Podcast.
3) You gain access to the Holy Roman Forum.
4) You gain access to The Catholic Alchemist series, which is designed to help more New Age / Esoteric minded folks to find a unique bridge to Catholicism & Christianity. [white-board lecture style]
5) You can access to new (and future) research series which include: Maps, slides, a compare-and-contrast of the exoteric history (e.g. Britannica version) with the esoteric history to see what filters out or what unifies, etc. We elaborate on any key figures throughout 2,000 years of Western Civilization to come up in the research. We also identify dialectics and any synthesis they might have, and take the standards of judgement set by individuals or groups, and see how they measure up to their own criteria (especially useful when attacking Christendom).
• Albert Pike Templars series, which focuses on the 30th degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry from Pike’s Morals and Dogma. This illuminates us to esoteric Masonry's involvement in the French Revolution; this and much more. [series complete]
• Barruel’s Memoirs of Jacobinism series, which goes extensively into the French Revolution, the Enlightenment Philosophs, Occult Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati’s subversion of France & Christendom at large. [part one complete, part two on hiatus]
More will come as time goes on.
Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequitiam et insídias diabólica estou præsídium. Ímperet ílio Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps militiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.